Day One: Intro post/Quiet workout

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the first post of The Pinterest Workout Challenge! *fanfare*

I’m Miranda, and I’ll be your guide through this awesome, sweaty journey. (Note: the “awesome” is me being optimistic about this whole process. You can all look at this post and laugh at me later.)

But what IS this journey, you ask? HOLD ON, I WAS GETTING TO THAT!

Ahem. This will be a journey through the wonderful workouts to be found on If you’re familiar with the site, you’ll know that there are MANY of them to be found. Usually, they’re presented in a list format, like this:


(Note: this is not the one I did today)

Some of them are even week or month-long workout plans, but I won’t be doing any of those yet.

Anyway, what I’m going to do is go to Pinterest every day, click on the “Health & Fitness” section, and do the first workout I see. (Except if it requires weights/a treadmill etc., because I don’t own any of those. I might pick up some weights later.) I won’t do repeats, either- every day will be a DIFFERENT workout. I’ll only skip a day if I have to be at work all day long for an event (which happens sometimes, but not often) or if I’m really sick.

Why am I doing this? Well, I need to lose weight, and I’m really, really terrible at getting myself motivated to do ANYTHING athletic. I’m also a really weird and picky eater, which will hinder me in my quest, but I’m not going to blog about that part. I also kept seeing the workouts on Pinterest and was wondering if they actually worked/how hard they were. This blog will answer those questions. Hopefully it’ll help someone else out there, too, but if you just want to laugh along with me as I attempt to do a jackknife sit up, that’s fine too.

I will be rating the workouts on two scales:

1. How much I like the workout (on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being I HATE THIS WORKOUT AND WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN, and a 10 being I LOVE THIS WORKOUT! I WANT TO DO IT EVERY DAY! I don’t think I’ll get many 10’s, because I’ve never been able to find a workout that I WANT to do every day, but hey, I might surprise myself.

2. How hard the workout was, with a 1 being “I didn’t sweat at all, it was as easy as a walk in the park” and a 10 being “OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO HARD, EVERYTHING HURTS SO BAD”. Note that I won’t (always) necessarily hate harder workouts- if I got sweaty but could actually do the moves and FEEL like I worked out, I’ll give it high ratings on both scales. I’ll also make some notes on how easy the workout was to understand here. I am a COMPLETE newbie to the fitness world and don’t really know how to do many moves at all, other than push-ups and sit-ups (and even then, I’m terrible at both of those). OF COURSE I am being careful and looking up how to do these moves before I do them, and making sure I know how to do them before I attempt them. If there’s a move I KNOW is impossible for me, I try the best I can. (I don’t want a lot of angry comments about this, I’m just trying to work out and blog about it)

Anyway, I don’t want to overload you with too much exposition. Nothing can kill a post like too much exposition. (5 points if you get the reference)

DAY ONE: The Quiet Workout

This workout comes to us from 

Original post:


As you can see by her lovely picture, this workout is meant to be done when you have sleeping roommates/need to be quiet, but I had none of those problems today, so I decided to play music and not be very quiet. Heh.

This was a pretty tough workout that didn’t take me very long. It did *look* very intimidating- that’s quite a long list!- but I got through the exercises pretty quickly. I did have to look almost all of these up on Youtube, but that’s my own fault.

By far, the hardest exercise was those jackknife sit-ups. I hadn’t heard of this before, and it looks so easy on the 7-second video!

But I assure you, it’s not, at least for me. I think it’s physically impossible for me to get the top half and the bottom half of my body (scientific terms are fun!) lifted at the same time. Yes, this is pathetic. Because of this, the vertical leg crunches were also tough, though they were slightly easier because then you at least *start* with your legs in the air. I didn’t “crunch” very much on those, though. Sit-ups/crunches were easy for me when I was little, but now they’re a lot harder because I have terrible upper-body strength (well, terrible strength ANYWHERE on my body, but still…). 

The planks were also super hard. It’s so deceptive because you’re literally just holding one position, but it hurts more than moving around every which way. 

Anyway, on the ENJOYMENT SCALE (with 10 being the highest) I rate this workout a…


Because while it was difficult in parts, it also didn’t last too long. I didn’t really love DOING any of the moves, but I’m not sure if that’s the idea.

On the DIFFICULTY SCALE (with 10 as the hardest), I will rate this workout a 

Because while some of the workouts were difficult for me personally, I think that someone with training would be able to blast through them pretty quickly while still breaking a good sweat. If you’re out of practice like me, though, I’ll warn you that the moves are hard, but not impossible.

Tune in tomorrow for another workout!

Have a cute kitty:






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